At Qualco Group, establishing a safe and healthy workplace while nurturing our employees’ quality of professional and personal life constitutes a focal point of our people-centric culture.

With World No Tobacco Day as a flashpoint and aiming to inform our people about the benefits of quitting smoking, we joined forces with the Hellenic Cancer Society, organising an internal online webinar.

Over 100 employees participated in this informative session, where our special guest, Dimitra Filopoulou, Psychologist at the Smoking Cessation Counseling Department of Hellenic Cancer Society, highlighted the importance of kicking smoking out of our lives while sharing useful tips on how to prepare ourselves and what to expect from this uncomfortable process. At the same time, Ms. Filopoulou indicated valuable alternative options, such as making a free appointment at the Stop Smoking Center or letting our family and friends know that we plan to quit smoking, to increase our chances of succeeding.