Acknowledging that working mothers often face unintentional social and physical barriers that act as biases, Qualco Group celebrated International Mother’s Day, with an inspiring webinar, regarding ‘Maternal Bias and Biases Mothers Might Have’ to promote gender equality in the workplace.

Maternity should be respected and promoted, and any kind of stereotypes should be eliminated. This is an acknowledgment firmly established in Qualco Group’s people-centric culture, a culture that revolves around women’s and working mothers’ constant support across every single decision they take within a workplace where they feel respected and appreciated.

In this context, the informative webinar was held on May 10, with Ms. Maria Papafillipou, Mental Health Counselor, Family Psychotherapist & Attachment Parenting Hellas Founder, sharing her insights on combating all biases working mothers face at work nowadays. During this initiative, more than 100 of Qualco Group’s employees checked in, broadening their horizons on how to drive gender equality at work.

At Qualco Group, people always come first while creating a world free of any bias, stereotypes, and discrimination lies at the heart of its approach.