Shaping a More
Sustainable Future for All

Sustainable development is a key part of what we’re all about. The solutions we build and the projects we take on align with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Download our latest report

Our Drivers

We believe that technology can transform the world for the better. This is at the core
of our Sustainability and ESG strategy, motivating us to develop solutions that benefit individuals and businesses, all while fostering economic growth.

Thus, our Sustainability and ESG Strategy is based on three pillars:

We create the conditions that promote future development, diversity and inclusion for our employees.

We act with integrity, transparency and accountability, complying with all national and EU laws.

We commit to minimising any adverse impact on the environment toward a more resilient planet.

Our commitment

We aim to change the world for the better. Thus, we commit to:

  • Minimising any direct or indirect adverse impact on the environment toward a more resilient Planet and Future.
  • Creating the conditions that promote future development, diversity and inclusion for our People.
  • Acting with integrity, transparency, and accountability, complying with all national and EU laws.
  • Creating social value and maximising positive impact on society, promoting sustainable business, and establishing long-lasting collaborations with all stakeholders.

Our ESG topics

Following our Materiality Analysis, we have identified the key ESG topics for our sustainable business model and commit to driving change.

  • Employee Health, Safety & Well-being
  • Talent Attraction & Retention
  • Financial Performance & Competitiveness
  • Corporate Governance, Business Ethics & Risk
  • Cybersecurity, Data & Privacy
  • Technology, Innovation, Ethical AI, Analytics
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
  • Community Support and Development

Our impact

As the world embraces digitalisation, we use innovation
to make an impact that matters.

Enable business growth
Our offering helps enterprises scale their operations and grow their customer base.
Through data and analytics, we enable them to optimise their decision-making process.
Support vulnerable customers
With fairness and transparency, we allow our clients to identify vulnerable customers and provide them with viable plans based on their financial position.
Raise financial awareness
Our solutions allow individuals to understand their financial circumstances and provide access to financial services that enable economic growth.
Cultivate talent & innovation
We grow our people by providing ongoing professional development opportunities.
Our continuous R&D investments infuse innovation in everything we do.


Contribution to Sustainable Development


  • Contemporary environmental challenges have awakened businesses across
    all sectors to manage their impact on the environment.
  • As the first step in that direction, we started measuring our organisation’s emissions (Scope 1, 2 & 3) and taking action on waste management issues by recycling onsite waste.

Our progress

Combating climate change and reducing our environmental footprint.

We have adopted an Environmental & Energy Policy across all our business units according to the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2018 that allows us to:

  • Improve our environmental performance
  • Define energy reduction targets

At the same time, to manage solid waste generated, we implement the Go Zero programme by Polygreen while raising awareness among our people through regular training sessions and other activities.


Our performance 2023

1,935,360  kWh

Total Electricity Consumption

2,096,570 kWh

Total Energy Consumption

754 tCO2e

Total Scope 1 & Scope 2 GHG Emissions

545 tCO2e

Scope 3 GHG Emissions

(Employee Commuting & Air-Βusiness Travel)

3.7 TONS

Recycled Materials

  • 30 Trees Saved
  • 48.4 kg CO2 Emissions Reduced
  • 790 kg of Soil Improvers Created
  • 47.4 lt Water Saved from Paper Processing


Contribution to Sustainable Development

  • We genuinely care about our employees and their families. For us, healthcare is physical, mental, and emotional. Thus, our activities and programmes follow an all-encompassing approach.
  • We pride ourselves on establishing a work environment with decent, inclusive, and productive conditions where our employees are treated fairly.
  • We promote equality by launching financial inclusion products and services, increasing societal awareness and enabling tools that provide sustainable solutions (FinTech products & services).

Our progress

Adopting a comprehensive approach to our people’s and their families well-being.

Our people and their well-being come first. Thus, we have created an inclusive workplace culture where healthy lifestyle choices are valued and promoted.

  • Career development
  • Financial well-being
  • Physical & emotional well-being
  • Environmental awareness
  • Community focus

Envisioning a new era of resilient societies.

In 2021, we established the Qualco Foundation, our non-profit initiative that aims to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world by implementing programmes with trusted community partners.
Qualco Foundation focuses on initiatives across the areas of:

  • Education & Science
  • Sports
  • Culture
  • Social Solidarity

Learn more about Qualco Foundation

49.3 %

Women in the Total Workforce

44.7 %

Women in Senior/Managerial Positions

33.3 %

Women in STEM-Related Positions

46.0 %

Women’s Share in New Hires


Training Hours Provided to Employees

> 43

High-Impact CSR-Related Initiatives

> 250

Direct Beneficiaries Supported

Learn more about Our People


Contribution to Sustainable Development

  • Our organisation’s governance mechanisms ensure compliance with policies and regulations, promoting the UN’s aspirations for peace and justice.

Our progress

Sound governance is our foundation for integrity, transparency, and accountability.

Learn more about Governance

Our impact

Our impact goes beyond our business operations, revitalising the broader FinTech landscape and the employment sector:

> 1,500
Εmployment positions
created & supported

> €5M
Ιnvested in R&D and acquiring
or partnering with new ventures

Everyone connected to our organisation shares in our success:

economic Value Distributed in 2023 (in €)*

Suppliers (operating costs)
Providers of Capital
State (taxes)
Community Investment
* In accordance with the requirements of GRI reporting standards 201-1. The amounts are derived from the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2023 of the Qualco Group. As of 31 December 2023, QUALCO, Quant and Qualco Real Estate represent 96% of the Group’s total revenues.

Sustainability Reports

Our reports highlight the policies and procedures we use for sustainable business practices. Download our latest Sustainability Report and see our latest progress and impact on ESG issues.

Get in touch

We look forward to receiving your inquiries,
comments, or suggestions.

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